Ethiopian Grade 12 Civics Teacher Guide [PDF]

Ethiopian Grade 12 Civics Teacher Guide [PDF]: This is a Civics and Ethical Education Teacher Guide book is for English Medium Schools in Ethiopia. Download PDF for free.

Each lesson has at least one set of questions linked to a reading or a case study. Look for the red question marks.
At the end of each lesson, you will find a list of points to remember in a red box. This will help you to revise.

Ethiopian Grade 12 Civics Teacher Guide [PDF]

Grade 12 Civics Teacher Guide PDF

At the end of each unit, there is a summary of what you have read. There is also a glossary of some terms or words which you have been introduced to in the unit. Finally, there are unit review exercises to enable you to test your knowledge and understanding of the unit content.

Each unit is set out in the same way with the unit number and title at the top of each page. The objectives are listed at the beginning of each lesson. A starter activity is in a blue box. This is to introduce you to the lesson. The lesson number is in the top right corner of each page.

Civics Education at the secondary level should aim at:

  •  developing personality traits that create informed, responsible, competent and committed citizens
  •  contributing to the development of intellectual powers, which include observation, understanding, critical and logical thinking, reasoning, judgment and decision making
  •  fostering positive attitudes and dispositions, which include self-education, right-duty consciousness, cooperative and tolerance
  •  equipping each learner with participatory skills in political participation, community participation, school participation, self-governance, negotiation, and compromise.

Grade 12 Civics and Ethical Education Teacher Guide PDF

Country Ethiopia
Publisher Curriculum Framework Development Department of the MOE
Grade Grade 12 
Subject Civics Teacher Guide
Type Teacher’s Guide
Purpose Teaching & Learning
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