Ethiopia Grade 12 Biology: Unit 4 Evolution Questions Answers:

Ethiopia Grade 12 Biology: Unit 4 Evolution Questions Answers: Ethiopia Grade 12 Biology Unit 4 Evolution is a course that focuses on the principles and theories of evolution. The unit covers the historical development of evolutionary theory, the evidence supporting the theory of evolution, and the mechanisms by which evolution occurs, such as natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow.

Students learn about the different factors that can drive evolution, including mutation, adaptation, and genetic variation, as well as the role of the environment in shaping evolutionary patterns. The unit also discusses the concept of speciation and the formation of new species through mechanisms like reproductive isolation.

Ethiopia Grade 12 Biology: Unit 4 Evolution Content

  1. The origin of life
  2. Theories of evolution
  3. The evidence for evolution
  4. The processes of evolution
  5. The evolution of humans

Overall, the course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and processes of evolution and their relevance to modern biological research and conservation efforts.

Biology: Unit 4 Evolution Questions Answers Quiz


Ethiopia Grade 12 Biology: Unit 4 Evolution

Ethiopia Grade 12 Biology:
Unit 4 Evolution
Questions Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Total MCQs: 50

  1. The origin of life: 10 MCQs
  2. Theories of evolution: 10 MCQs
  3. The evidence for evolution : 10 MCQs
  4. The processes of evolution: 10 MCQs
  5. The evolution of humans: 10 MCQs

1 / 50

The human races are now less likely to evolve into separate species because:

2 / 50

Neo-Darwinism is a modification of Darwin’s original theory that takes into account:

3 / 50

In stabilising selection, the selection pressure operates:

4 / 50

A gene pool is:

5 / 50

As humans migrated from Africa to colder climates, adaptations that would confer a survival advantage include:

6 / 50

The scientists who developed the theory of abiogenesis were:

7 / 50

Special creationism always suggests that:

8 / 50

Evolution is best described as:

9 / 50

Darwin’s theory of natural selection was based on the observations that:

10 / 50

Convergent evolution can occur when:

11 / 50

In sympatric speciation, the isolating mechanism could be:

12 / 50

Comparative embryology provides evidence of evolution because:

13 / 50

From the time when oxygen was first produced on the planet, it took approximately how many years for the levels to begin to rise?

14 / 50

The common ancestor of modern humans and chimpanzees lived about:

15 / 50

A recent genetic analysis of human populations suggests that there are:

16 / 50

In disruptive selection, the selection pressure operates:

17 / 50

It is true to say that modern humans are:

18 / 50

In the past spontaneous generation has suggested that:

19 / 50

Lucy belonged to the genus:

20 / 50

The eternity of life theory suggests that:

21 / 50

Which of the following is the best definition of a chemo-autotroph?

22 / 50

In DNA hybridisation, the similarity between DNA of two species is determined by:

23 / 50

Bacterial populations can develop a resistance to antibiotics. Which of the factors listed below does NOT contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance?

24 / 50

All forms of the cosmozoan (panspermia) theory suggest that:

25 / 50

A larger brain gave modern humans an increased ability to:

26 / 50

It is true to say that:

27 / 50

Which of the following statements does not describe why imprinting by goslings is adaptive behaviour (has survival value)?

28 / 50

Analogous structures:

29 / 50

The first photo-autotrophic organisms were likely to have been:

30 / 50

All forms of the biochemical theory (abiogenesis) suggest that:

31 / 50

Although now discredited, Lamarck’s work is regarded as important because he attempted to explain:

32 / 50

The theory behind using protein biochemistry to classify organisms is:

33 / 50

A fossil can be:

34 / 50

In directional selection, the selection pressure operates:

35 / 50

New alleles arising from mutations in a population will:

36 / 50

Which of the following is NOT a primate trait?

37 / 50

The sequence of events in fossil formation by permineralisation is:

38 / 50

Darwin’s finches were able to evolve into 14 different species from one ancestral type because:

39 / 50

Divergent evolution is an alternative name for:

40 / 50

As a result of natural selection, those most adapted to an environment survive to reproduce in the greatest numbers because:

41 / 50

The fact that Ardi was bipedal disproves the idea that:

42 / 50

During hominid evolution, brain size has:

43 / 50

The wings of a bird and a pterodactyl are the result of:

44 / 50

Homologous structures:

45 / 50

Plant and animal breeding provide evidence of evolution because:

46 / 50

Fertile polyploid organisms could have:

47 / 50

Sympatric speciation involves:

48 / 50

Fossils over 10 million years old are best dated by:

49 / 50

In comparing Darwin’s theory of evolution with Lamarck’s, it is true to say that:

50 / 50

Allopatric speciation involves:

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The average score is 37%



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