Wachamo University

Wachamo University is one of the public University in Ethiopia currently rank #43 across the country. Wachemo University (WCU), is currently located at It is located 230 km southwest of Addis Ababa, at Hosanna town in the area of over 200 hectares. Currently, the University offers Under Graduate, Post Graduate and PhD programs.

Wachamo University

Features University Logo
  • Wolkite University: WCU
  • Type: Public
  • Location: Hosanna town, Ethiopia
  • Established in 2009 GC
  • President: Habtamu Abebe Agisho
  • Total Students: 18400
  • Language: English
  • Admission mode: Offline
  • Distance Education: N/A
  • Total Colleges: 6
  • Departments: 48
  • Total Master degree courses: 06
  • Total Campuses: 04
  • Website: wcu.edu.et
Wachamo University


Wachemo University (WCU) is one of the public higher educational institutions, which was found in 2009 G.C. It is located 230 km southwest of Addis Ababa, at Hosanna town in the area of over 200 hectares.


The university has four Campus: Main Campus in Hadiya Zone, Duramee Campus Kembata Tembaro Zone and NogistElini Mohamed Teaching Hospital in Hossana Town.


The university currently offered 54 undergraduate and 7 postgraduate programs in three campuses, 6 colleges (namely: Engineering and Technology, Natural & Computational Science, Medicine and Health Science, Agriculture Science, Business & Economics, Social Science and Humanities) and three schools (School of Postgraduate study, School of Law, and School of Medicine.

Student Result & Grade Report.

Wachamo University published year wise and semester wise examination results for new and old students. However, students can check their result by collecting the grade report from the University office. Students must be paid their due fees before collecting their grade report.

In addition, Wachamo University does not have any online student information system, therefore students can not check the grade result on the web.

WACHEMO University Registrar office is responsible for recording grades and keeping student’s records.  Preparing lists of students recommended for graduation and preparing & issuing credentials.