COC Result 2024 Sign in & Check Exam Results

Certificate of Competency (COC) Result 2024: The provides COC examination results in Ethiopia. The candidate has to Sign in to Check today’s result 2015/2023. The Health Professionals Competency Assessment & Licensure authority is responsible to publish all Licensing exam results.

In general, the authority administrated the examination in the field of Medicine, Health Officer, Nursing, Midwifery, and Anesthesia. In addition, graduates from the above-mentioned domain may appear for these Licensing exams. Read more What is COC exam?.

COC Result in Ethiopia

The Higher Education Relevance Quality Agency in collaboration with the FMOH and professional associations developed accreditation and quality standards for 11 health professional education programs; namely, medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, health officer, pharmacy, medical laboratory, anesthesia, physiotherapy, environmental health, and medical radiology technology.

Accreditation and quality standards were also developed for 5 TVET programs; namely, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, medical laboratory, and anesthesia. The accreditation directive of HERQA was reviewed and improved.

Result Publish Date:

In general, the Ministry of Health, Ethiopia, conducted all Licensing exams in the month of June and July once in every year. Last year around 10,480 graduates appeared in Health Professional Licensing Examinations held from July 8 to July 16, 2019. Those who have failed to pass the exam were taken the exam again in the month of November.

The COC result was published in the month of August. Therefore, we can assume, this year the COC exam result 2020 is likely to be published in the last week of August 2020.

How to check COC Result?

The Ministry of Health, Ethiopia, Health Professionals Competency Assessment & Licensure department publishes the COC result on their official website To check the exam result candidates have to know their Registration ID, First Name, Father Name as mentioned in their registration card.

  • First: Visit to
  • Second: Please Click Here “Check Your Licensing Exam Result”
  • Third: Enter Your Registration ID, First Name, and Father Name
  • Finally, click on the “Search Button”.

COC Result 2023 Sign in & Check Exam Results

COC Exam Cut-off & Pass Rate

National licensing examination cut-off points, pass rates in the year of 2015

Professional Category Cut-off Score (%) Pass Rate (%)
Medicine 54.4 60
Health Officers 53 21
Midwifery 63 41
Anesthesia 50 81
Overall 55.5 50.8