BDU Grading System: Bahir Dar University

BDU Grading System: Bahir Dar University Ethiopia has its own Grade report formats for each semester. Students can check the BDU Student Info Grade Report & Result 2020 through

Recorders shall prepare Grade report formats immediately after the date of add/drop of course(s) and shall wait for the submission of official grades from instructors. At the end of the semester, the official grade must be filled carefully in the already prepared grade report format. After that official grade must be filed and kept in an easily accessible manner for further reference.

The academic status of students will be made after the recorder’s grade reports are counter checked against the advisor’s record. Make use of the immediately preceding (previous) semester status only, to evaluate the academic status of a student. The following summarized table will help you in determining the student’s status.

Bahir Dar University Grading System

SGPA 1.75 and above is Promoted, from 1.50 – 1.74 is a warning, below 1.50 is Dismissal with the exception stated in number 8 in the table as indicated article 92.6.2(d) of the Senate legislation page 104.

CGPA 2.00 and above is Promoted, from 1.75-1.99 is a warning, and below 1.75 is dismissal.

Re-grading of a course(s) grade by the instructor is possible with in the first three days after the date of submission of a particular grade.

Application for re-marking by the student is possible in accordance with the academic calendar. Grade reports must be prepared for all students by the recorder and distributed to students via the advisor. When there are changes in status as a result of re-grading/re-marketing it shall be corrected accordingly and the corrected grade report shall also be filed.

Bahir Dar University Grading System

Status Determination

  1. A first-year student whose first semester SANG/CANG/ ≥1.75 can pass to the second semester with good standing.
  2. A first-year student whose first-semester SANG/CANG/ is 1.5≤SANG<1.75 can pass to the second semester with warning status.
  3. A first-year student whose first semester SANG/CANG/ is 1.0 < SANG<1.5 is Academic Dismissal.
  4. A first-year student whose first semester SANG/CANG/ is 1.0 < SANG<1.5 but some of the letter grades are C- and above and the remaining letter grades are F, he/she shall be forced to withdraw and take all courses with F grades in re-admission time. In other words, if a student is an academic dismissal but no Fx & D grades, he/she shall be forced to withdraw.
  5. A first-year student whose first semester SANG/CANG/ ≤ 1.00 shall be Complete Dismissal.
  6. A student with F grade shall add and take the course afresh.
  7. A student can’t pass to the next semester without removing Fx letter grade/s in any way.
  8. A student cannot register a course more than three times in any way.

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